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E-resource guide: Audiobooks

What is an audiobook?

Audiobooks are voice recordings of books, which can be read by a human voice or machine. The most common file format is MP3, which you can listen to directly in your web browser or in the audio book service's own application.

What kind of audiobooks does Tampere University Library own?

Tampere University Library has audiobooks in Alma Talent Bisneskirjasto, Alma Talent Verkkokirjahylly, Ellibs and O'Reilly (former Safari) services. In addition, some e-book services have a read aloud function (e.g. Higher Education from Cambridge University PressOppiporttiVLeBooks, VitalSource Explorer).

Alma Talent BisneskirjastoAlma Talent Verkkokirjahylly and  Ellibs include only Finnish audiobooks.

O'Reilly (former Safari)

  • The biggest collection, over 2 000 audiobooks is in O'Reilly service. It contains audiobooks on the fields of information technology and business.
  • In O’Reilly searches you can filter the format “audiobook”. You can also click on the search box and press “enter” to get all the formats displayed. From the Browse format menu, you can choose “audiobook”.
  • You can listen to an audiobook on your web browser or on O'Reilly app.
  • O’Reilly audiobooks instructions.



How to find an audiobook from Andor search service?

Audiobooks can be found in the Library's Andor search service in addition to their own interfaces. You can refine your searches to audiobooks by choosing "audio" as the resource type. 

Sign in to the audiobooks with your tuni account.

Celia audiobooks

Celia is a national center for accessible literature and publishing in Finland, working toward equality in reading and learning. Celia produces and distributes literature in accessible formats, such as audiobooks. Celia's services are only available to print disabled persons.

More information on our Accessibility guide.



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