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Accessibility: Web accessibility statement

Accessibility statement

Web accessibility statement for Tampere University Library

Publication date: 17 March 2021
Organisation: Tampere University Library 
Website/application: The guides page of the Library
The accessibility of the digital service has been assessed by ourselves.
This statement is based on the assessment conducted by ourselves and will be updated as the identified issues are resolved. 

Non-accessible content

The digital service referred to herein partly meets the critical Level A and AA requirements.


If you find accessibility problems on the site, please let us know and we'll do our best to correct it:

  • you can email us at
  • you can also give us feedback when visiting the library's customer service

Contact details of the supervisory authority: 

First give feedback to the person maintaining the page. Depending on the workload, getting a response may take up to two weeks. If you are not happy with the response or get no response within two weeks, you can notify the supervisory authority.

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
telephone switchboard 029 534 5000


P. 0294 520 900

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