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Accessibility of journal articles
- E-articles which belong to the library collections can usually be read in either PDF or HTML format. HTML articles can be easily listened to using downloadable listening applications. There may be more problems with PDF files. Databases can have their own inbuilt listening functions, or articles can be read using either a browser’s or a PDF -file’s screen reader.
- In many article databases, it is possible to enlarge the text of the article according to your own needs. Properly structured headings and maintaining color and contrast ratios also ensure the readability of the text.
- In several databases, the images, charts, and chapters of the article have a text-based description.
Examples of databases which have taken accessibility into account
Cambridge Core
- Cambridge Core is targeting to level AA of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
- You can use text to speech tools to read out website content in both PDF and HTML format, as well as change colours, contrast levels and fonts by adjusting browser settings.
- Read more about accessibility in Cambridge Core.
- Most journal content is offered in HTML and PDF format. Some journal content published before 2000 is only available in PDF. All PDFs are downloadable
- Text to speech with Read & Write literacy software
- Emerald website uses structured headings to support readability. The first title of the page is the main title of the content, followed by any relevant subheadings.
- Read more about Emerald's accessibility features.
Oxford Academic
- All content and interactive elements on the page are usable with screen readers.
- Images within article content have alternative text provided. This replicates the image caption presented onscreen.
- The platform does not currently include an embedded text-to-speech tool.However, text-to-speech compatibility is built in some browsers.
- Read more about the accessibility program of Oxford Academic.
- The user interface is designed to be accessible and operable. HTML is recommended above other formats, when available.
- For users that want to have full text articles to res to them, a text to speech option is available.
- Where possible, ProQuest offers an on-demand service that will use OCR (optical character recognition) technology to create a readable version.
- Read more about ProQuest's accessibility features.
- Most of the articles in the ScienceDirect database can be opened in both html and pdf format.
- Pages are responsive, and content reflows well up to 400% zoom
- HTML text content includes properly structured titles, lists, interactive icons, linked images, page magnification, and high-contrast images.
- Content is available in HTML and PDF which can be read using assistive technology such as JAWS screen reader
- Pages employ ARIA (Accessibility for Rich Internet Applications) to enhance navigation, orientation and labelling for users of screen readers and other assistive technology
- User interface images have alternative text descriptions to convey the meaning of an image to screen readers.
- The database does not have its own listening function.
- Read more about Elsevier's accessibility features.
- The website is compatible with the recents versions of popular screen readers as well as operating system screen magnifiers.
- The website has a speech recognition program.
- Read more about the accessibility of SpringerLink.
Taylor & Francis Online
- The content of the journals is published in HTML, PDF and ePub3 formats.
- Over 605 key journals contain some level of alt-text, spanning 7500 articles.
- Taylor & Francis has “Readspeaker” feature that enables users to listen an article via audio.
- More information about the accessibility at Taylor & Francis.
Wiley Online Library
- A screen reader is available in Wiley. The text size can be changed to make it easier to read.
- Headings and labels that describe a topic and/or indentify a purpose
- Alternative text equivalents for platform images.
- Read more about the accessibility at Wiley Online Library.