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Accessibility: Celia


  • Celia is a national center for accessible literature and publishing in Finland, working toward equality in reading and learning. Celia produces and distributes literature in accessible formats, such as talking books and braille books, together with public libraries and publishers. Celia belongs to the administrative sector of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • If you are print disabled and are studying at a Finnish university or university of applied sciences, you can borrow textbooks free of charge from Celia. Read more about Celia’s services.

Sign up for Celia's services

Celia's services are only available to print disabled persons. Please contact the library about joining Celia by email

We'll arrange a personal meeting with you at the library. During the meeting you can be registered as Celia customer and you'll be given guidance on Celia's services and  how to use Celianet and Pratsam Reader. After registering with Celia you'll receive personal log in information to the ebook service by email.


P. 0294 520 900

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