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E-resource guide: Sage Research Methods

SAGE Research Methods

E-resource and link Sage Research Methods Online
Content Books, reference works, journal articles and videos on research methods. SRM Video collection includes hours of tutorials, interviews, video case studies, and mini-documentaries covering the entire research process.
How to find the resources

The SRM books and videos can be found in Andor search service  or in the service's own interface.

Number of simultaneous users Unlimited.

The book content is available for view at the chapter, entry, and article level. For PDFs you need Adobe Reader.

Downloading It is not possible to download entire books but you can download part of the material as PDF.
Printing You can print parts of the material.
User guides
Terms of use Read the terms of use.
Accessibility Sage Research Methods accessibility guide
More information

Tampere University community does not have access to Cases, Datasets and Foundations. Also some videos are not accessible.



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