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E-resource guide: Taylor & Francis eBooks

Taylor & Francis eBooks

E-book collection and link Taylor & Francis eBooks
Content Multidisciplinary e-book service.
How to find the e-books?

The books can be found in Andor search service or in the e-book service's own interface.

Number of simultaneous users

Mostly unlimited. DRM-protected books only 1-3 simultaneous users.

Reading / downloading / listening
  • You can read the books online (Read online) or download books or chapters to your own device in ePub or PDF mode.​ Some books (larger than 200MB) can only be downloaded. Downloading is not available for  DRM-protected books.
  • Read aloud function is included in the books.
Printing and copying For your own personal use. In DRM-protected book only up to 20% of the content for 30 days.
User guide

Help Center

Terms of use Read the terms of use.
Accessibility Accessibility Statement for Taylor & Francis eBooks
More information

The Library has not purchased all the books visible in the e-book service. You can narrow down your search results to Tampere University Library's collection by doing a search and then selecting ”Content I have access to”.



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