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E-resource guide: Emerald Books

Emerald Books

E-book collection and link

Emerald insight 


Emerald Book Series contains over 100 titles with multiple volumes each. Subject coverage spans a spectrum of management disciplines plus a substantial number of engineering, applied science and technology titles.

How to find the e-books

You can find the e-books in Andor or in the e-book service's own interface.

Number of simultaneous users Unlimited.

You can read the e-books online.

Downloading  You can download in EPUB or PDF format one chapter at a time.
Printing and copying You can print for your own personal use.
User guide Emerald Help
Terms of use Read the terms of use.
More information Some titles and volumes in Emerald Book Series are available fully, while to some there is only a partial access.


P. 0294 520 900

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