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E-resource guide: Books@Ovid


E-book collection and link

Content Books@Ovid includes e-books in medicine, nursing and related disciplines. Contains also the books of LWW Doody's Core Collection 2020.
How to find the e-books

You can find the e-books in Andor and in the e-book service's own interface.

Number of simultaneous users  Unlimited.
Reading You can read the books on a chapter-by-chapter basis. The chapters can be read online directly from the website. 
  • You can download (save) chapters onto your computer. 
  • You can't download the entire book at once.
Printing You can print chapters and sections for your own personal use.
User guides Help
Terms of use Read the terms of use
More information You can create an account (My Workspace/My Account -> Create a new Personal Account) for the service and build your own virtual bookshelf. Same account works as a saving space for the other Ovid databases as well.



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