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E-resource guide: Films and videos

General about films and videos

All databases which include videos and films are at Library's A-Z Databases list.

Please note that if you like to present films in public, for example for your students, you'll need a permission. Check the rights and permissions of every database individually.

Film and video resources

Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Collection

  • Art films, documents, interviews and lessons

Drama Online

  • Drama and performance videos


  • Thousands of videos such as documents, educational films, independent films, Art House Movies and classics. Kanopy also includes the collection.
  • Instructions for searching and browsing here.
  • Note that all Kanopy films are not included in Tampere Universities collection and changes over time. You'll find the up-to-date collection here. If the film is not included in collection, you can use Request Access form. The Library staff will approve or reject the request.

Naxos Video Library

  • Extensive streaming video library of classical music performances, opera, ballet, live concerts and music documentaries

Other resources

  • Elokuvalisenssi - search for films and movies and learn about licences for public use
  • Movie and video services offered by Pirkanmaa public libraries including Tampere (PIKI). You'll need a PIKI Library card and a PIN code to use the services

Videos in other databases


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