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E-resource guide: JoVE Unlimited

JoVE Unlimited


E-collection and link JoVE logo in black and blue

JoVE - Journal of Visual Experiments consists of high-quality videos and detailed descriptions that facilitate the scientific reproducibility of the research topic. JoVE is the first peer-reviewed video journal. JoVE Science Education video library contains easy to understand instructional videos designed to support basic education.

How to find the resource You can find JoVE in Database A-Z list and Andor search service
Number of simultaneous users Unlimited
Downloading The videos cannot be downloaded and saved.
User guides
  • Faculty Resource Center: instructions on how to share the videos and how to utilise JoVE in teaching, as well as enrollment in weekly webinars and access to recordings of previous sessions.
More information
  • The videos can be integrated into Moodle and shared in Zoom and Teams. You can find the instructions in Faculty Resource Center. 
  • You can use JoVE on your mobile devices.
Terms of use Read the terms of use


JoVE YouTube


P. 0294 520 900

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