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E-resource guide: MOT Kielipalvelu

MOT Kielipalvelu


E-collection and link

MOT Kielipalvelu

Content MOT Kielipalvelu contains MOT dictionaries, MOT Proofing, MOT Translation, word lists and Tampere University community's vocabulary.
How to find it

You can find MOT Kielipalvelu from Andor search service or from the Library's database list.

Number of simultaneous users


Using the resource
  • You can use MOT on browser with any device. On the campus networks MOT Kielipalvelu operates without logging in. 
  • In remote access go to
    • Click "Log in"
    • Choose "Tampere universities / Tampereen korkeakoulut" and click "Haka login". Log in with your tuni account. 
    • Browser remembers logging in until cache is emptyed or the service is updated.
    • In remote access, you can also login to the service using the MOT link in the Library's databases list or in Andor using your tuni account.
Printing and copying You can print and/or electronically store small parts of the material, as well as take a reasonable number of photocopies of the the material.
User guide

Tips and guides (in Finnish)

Terms of use Read the terms of use (in Finnish)
  •  The website offers an accessible mode in which the accessibility requirements are met. The accessible mode may be activated using a link in the footer of the website.
  • See Accessibility statement
More information

The vocabulary of Tampere University community is grey-based at the beginning of the search results.



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