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Researcher's guide to responsible and open science

Academic activities, media appearances, and awards

Academic activities

You can record academic activities in TUNICRIS. The information is recorded in the Add new > Activity form.

Information on academic activities is transferred from TUNICRIS to the national service.

Instructions (video) on recording academic activities in TUNICRIS.


Media appearances and awards

You can add information about media appearances and awards to TUNICRIS. The information is added in the Add new > Press/Media form (media appearances) or the Prize form (awards).

Media coverage (Press/Media)

  • Media coverage: media coverage, e.g. newspaper, radio, or TV interview related to a research project
  • Media contribution: own contribution, e.g. a blog post related to a publication that is not reported for data collection

Awards and grants (Prizes)

  • Award or honour granted for a specific work
  • Award or honour granted for academic career
  • Invitation or ranking in competition


Research data and infrastructures

Research data

You can add metadata for a dataset to TUNICRIS. The information is added to the Add new > Dataset form. The dataset itself cannot be stored in TUNICRIS.
More information on the management of the University's research data can be found in the data management section.

Research infrastructures

The metadata for research infrastructures in TUNICRIS are maintained by designated persons within faculties.



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