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Researcher's guide to responsible and open science

Affiliation information

Affiliation refers to the author's organization where the research is mainly conducted. Researcher can have several affiliations in one publication. Tampere University or, correspondingly, Tampere University of Applied Sciences is listed as the affiliation when the publication is based on research or expert work conducted at the organization.

Publications are attributed to the institution where most of the underlying research work was conducted, even if the researcher has moved to another organization before the publication is published. Connection to the higher education institution is noted primarily based on the affiliation information the author provides in the publication.

Affiliation information should be recorded in publications as consistently and comprehensively as possible to ensure that publications are correctly attributed to the right organization and individual, for example, in publication data collection and research evaluation.

It is a good idea to use the official full names of organizations and their units. Check the correctness of the names and avoid using abbreviations. The official full names of both the unit and the university should be included in the affiliation, simply mentioning the other may not be enough.


  • Add your organization as an affiliation when your publication is based on research or expert work carried out there. Use the format: (your name), University, Faculty, City, Country.
  • University: Teija Tutkija, Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere, Finland.
  • University of Applied Sciences: Teija Tutkija, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Applied Research Center, Tampere, Finland.
  • You can check the official names on the page: Names and abbreviations in Tampere Universities community (intra).

Researchers affiliated with both the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology and The Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa should include both affiliations in their publications. For more information, see: MET affiliation instructions (intra).


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