In this section of the guide you will find information on publishing your research results. The library provides support and advice on publishing. If you cannot find the information you are looking for in the guide, please contact us at:

The content of this guide focuses on open access publishing, as openness is a key principle in the Tampere higher education community. In its Open Science Policies, the community undertakes to promote responsible and open science. Find out more about the Tampere University's Open Science Policy (PDF) and the Open RDI operation guidelines and principles in Tampere University of Applied Sciences (PDF). In addition, an increasing number of research funders recommend or require open access publishing.
The different approaches to scholarly publishing are illustrated in the graph below.

Figure 1. Original version CC BY 4.0 International Farquharson, J. I. & Wadsworth, F. B., 2018. DOI: In this figure, the colours and some of the texts have been altered.
- The traditional model of scholarly publishing is toll access, or subscription-based, meaning that the journals' content is available only to subscribing organisations’ personnel and students. The terms of use and prices are based on licencing agreements with publishers. Authors can publish on these channels free of charge.
- The green route to open access refers to self-archiving a manuscript version of an article in an open repository, such as Trepo or Theseus. This allows publications that are otherwise behind paywall to be made available to all readers. Self-archiving is free of charge, but may be subject to an embargo period. The library provides support and advice on the self-archiving process.
- In the gold and hybrid models, open access is achieved by paying the publisher a so-called article processing charge. The difference between the two models is that the content of gold OA publication channels is fully available, while in the hybrid channels only individual articles purchased as open access are available to all, and the rest of the content remain behind paywall. Researchers affiliated with Tampere Universities and Tays have access to discounts on article processing charges for journals from certain publishers.
- A side effect of open access publishing is the emergence of a large number of so-called predatory publishers, who charge authors without providing the services that are essential to scholarly publishing. The graph above therefore excludes predatory journals from the perimeter of peer-reviewed publications. It is important for researchers to assess the reliability of publication channels before submitting a manuscript. There are both paid tools and free online services to support this assessment.
- In the diamond model, neither readers nor authors are charged, but the publishing activity is typically run with the support of a background organisation or a library consortium. Thousands of such journals already exist, but they are often less well known than subscription-based or hybrid journals from commercial publishers. Open access journals that are free of charge to the author can be found, for example, in the Directory of Open Access Journals.
Tampere University Press, run by Tampere University Library, is a diamond open access publisher of peer reviewed scholarly books. TUP also publishes works by researchers from outside the Tampere higher education community.
Non-peer-reviewed publications
- 'Pre-print' refers to the first, non-peer-reviewed version of an article. Publishing pre-prints on open online platforms allows for rapid dissemination of research results and getting peer feedback from the scientific community.
- Trepo is the open repository of Tampere University. Researchers affiliated with Tampere University have the possibility to publish non-peer-reviewed publications, such as project reports, guides, working papers, conference proceedings and departmental series, in Trepo.
- TAMK publishes working life-oriented works which support professional competence and development. TAMK has three publication series: Studies, Reports and Learning materials. The aim of the publications is to make the expertise of TAMK's staff and the results of RDI activities, teaching and theses known to a wider audience.