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Researcher's guide to responsible and open science

Support for research and the researcher

Welcome to the library's researcher and research support guide. In this guide, we have compiled answers to questions you may have at different stages of your research. You will find a table of contents on the left-hand side of the page and links directly to the topics below.

Open researcher Open researcher Datamanagement Datamanagement Publishing Publishing TUNICRIS TUNICRIS Impact and visibility Impact and visibility

Contact us

Please contact our service address:

Contact us for questions related to the TUNICRIS research information system, such as profile maintenance, uploading of publication data.
Contact us for publication metrics, researcher profiles (including ORCID) and publication evaluation.
Contact for open access publishing issues, including article support funding, self-archiving, sharing of publications, use of Creative Commons licences for publishing.
Contact us on issues related to data management, such as planning and design of a data management plan, storage, description, sharing and opening of data, data protection and security, data management services. 
Contact us for information on how to apply for an ISBN. 
Contact us if you are interested in publishing a peer-reviewed monograph or an edited volume.

General guidelines

The Tampere higher education community guidelines

Policies of open science and research in Finland

International policies

Policies on visibility and impact

  • DORA (San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, 2012) - The Tampere University has signed the international DORA Declaration.
  • CoARA (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment, 2022) - The Tampere University has signed the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment.


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