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Researcher's guide to responsible and open science

Article processing charges (APCs)

There are a few things to take into consideration when you are thinking about publishing an article. It is good to plan things such as finding a suitable journal, so familiarise yourself with the following instructions on article processing charges and potential discounts.

The Library does not recommend any specific journals, and you are free to choose where to publish. You can however take advantage of the Journal Guide tool, that lets you browse and check potential journals. For example, you can consider the choice of your journal based on your field of science. Some publishers are focused on specific disciplines, and some on the other hand are multidisciplinary. Do bear in mind that if you wish to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Library for free publishing, there are some criteria that must be met.

Instructions for using Journal Guide

How to use the Journal Guide tool (video opens to the new window).


Instructions for article processing charges

More information about assessing the reliability of publication channels.
More information about OA support funding.

Article processing charges and publishers

You can find more information on the terms of article processing charges (plus potential discounts) and instructions on the FinELib and publisher websites. Familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions and guidance carefully! All criteria must be met so that the article can be made open access without fees.

Consider for example:

  • the affiliation of the corresponding author must be either TAU, TAMK, or Tays.
  • the journal must be part of a deal.
  • the correct CC licence must be applied to the article.

Important! Make sure you have funding for the rest of the article processing charge if you are publishing in a journal where the APC is not fully covered. You can confirm if all the criteria for OA support funding is met via Open Access support funding.

Publisher Instructions and journal lists Article processing charges (TAU, TAMK, Tays) Agreement ends
American Chemical Society (ACS) Instructions and journal list on the publisher's website No article processing charges 31.12.2025
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website No article processing charges 31.12.2027
BioMed Central (Springer) Instructions on the publisher's website

15% discount on the journal's article processing charges

Cambridge University Press Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website
  • No article processing charges for full (Gold) OA or hybrid publications.
  • Cambridge Prisms and Research Directions journals 10% discount on article processing charges.
Cogitatio Press Instructions and journal list on the publisher's website No article processing charges 31.12.2025
Elsevier Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website

Full (Gold) OA 15% discount on article processing charges.

No article processing charges for hybrid publications.

Elsevier Cell Press

Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website

Elsevier & FinElib deal

No article processing charges for hybrid journals 31.12.2025
Emerald Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website

No article processing charges


Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website

IEEE & TAU deal

No article processing charges

Institute of Physics (IOP) Instructions on the publisher’s website No article processing charges
Eligible journals: lists A, B, C and D
John Benjamins Instructions on the publisher’s website No article processing charges in eligible journals 31.12.2025
MDPI Instructions on the publisher’s website

10% discount on the journal’s article processing charges. THE AGREEMENT WILL NOT CONTINUE AFTER 31.3.2025.

Oxford University Press Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website

Full (Gold) OA 15% discount on article processing charges.

No article processing charges for hybrid journals

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website

No article processing charges

SAGE Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website No article processing charges 31.12.2026
SCOAP3 Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website No article processing charges 31.12.2024
Science Advances journal Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website 15% discount on article processing charges


SpringerOpen (Springer) Instructions on the publisher’s website

15% discount on the journal’s article processing charges

Springer Compact Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website

No article processing charges for hybrid journals


Springer Nature Research

Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website No article processing charges 31.12.2026
Taylor & Francis Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website No article processing charges 31.12.2026
Wiley Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website No article processing charges.
Agreement negotiations are ongoing, please follow the instructions for OA publishing.
Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott (LWW Total Access Collection) Instructions and journal list on FinELib’s website No article processing charges (limited number of free articles) 31.12.2026


Journal Guide for identifying Open Access agreement journals

The ChronosHub service is a tool that helps researchers find publication channels where they can publish Open Access articles either completely without an article processing charge (APC), or with a discounted APC. The service is tailored to the needs of the Tampere Universities community.

ChronosHub is linked to two separate types of Open Access support:

  1. Open Access support funding coordinated by Tampere University Library, which researchers can apply for through the ChronosHub form (see application criteria and instructions in the library's guide), and
  2. agreements with scientific publishers that include discounts on article processing charges. Information about these has been collected in ChronosHub's Journal Guide tool.

Journal Guide

Instructions for using Journal Guide

How to use the Journal Guide tool (video opens to the new window).

  • New! The filter Journals with Agreements can be combined with filters for Publishers and Subject Areas to narrow the search.


ChronosHub's Journal Guide tool contains information on the terms and conditions of agreements between the Tampere Universities community and publishers, as well as discounts under the agreements. Information on the journal's JUFO category has also been included in the journal search.

The Journal Guide can also be used just to find publication channels in your own field of science outside the agreements. Most journals included in the Journal Guide are not part of the agreements.

  • Contains information from more than 46,000 journals, including: Journals indexed in the Scopus database, DOAJ's completely open access journals that are free of charge for authors, and journals evaluated in the Publication Forum (JUFO).
  • You can search for either a specific journal or journal on a specific topic using keywords or subject area filters.
  • You can compare the suitability of journals with the requirements of research funders (e.g. Plan S funders).
  • The Journal Guide works best on Chrome.
  • For the time being, the Journal Guide is available only in English.

Useful terminology

  • APC (article processing charge): An author fee payable to the publisher on publication of an open access article.
  • BPC (book processing charge): An author fee payable to the publisher on publication of an open access book/monograph.
  • Gold Open Access (Gold OA): A publication model where an article is published in a fully open access journal. Publication often involves paying for an APC.
  • Hybrid Open Access (Hybrid OA): This is a combination of subscription and open access content. The author can make their article open access by paying an APC to the publisher. Other articles in the journal remain only available for subscribers. In this model, the publisher gains profits from both authors and subscribers.


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