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Researcher's guide to responsible and open science

Science communication recommendations

Tampere University encourages researchers to disseminate information on science, research and research outputs in a form that is accessible to a wide audience. Communication is a means to ensure that research-based knowledge reaches its target groups, such as fellow researchers, decision-makers, the media, young people who are making choices about their education, and people with a general interest in science and research. It is important that the expertise of our researchers is openly accessible on different forums and that decision-makers have access to research-based knowledge to support informed decision-making. Science communication that is tailored to nonspecialist audiences also supports the University’s mission to advance education and bildung.   

For researchers, science communication skills are part of professional competence. Science communication offers researchers the opportunity to share their expertise, engage with society and involve citizens in research. Science communication can also support the commercialisation of research findings.  

There are many ways to communicate. Information on science and research can be disseminated through a variety of channels, such as websites and social media, newspaper articles, videos, events, exhibitions, theatre, podcasts, radio and TV programmes, and literature. When choosing communication channels, it is essential to define the communication goals and target audiences and to identify the available resources. 

Tampere University supports researchers with science communication, for example, by offering them the services of communication specialists and science communication training and by maintaining and developing the University’s communication channels. The University also offers support to researchers who face harassment or inappropriate behaviour, for example, on social media. 

The University’s science communication recommendations are based on, among other things, the recommendations titled “Bold communication, responsible influence” which were issued by the Committee for Public Information (TJNK) in 2018. TJNK’s recommendations were drawn up to increase the visibility and impact of science across society and are intended for everyone involved in science and science communication. The national Declaration for Open Science and Research 2020–2025 was also issued to strengthen societal knowledge base and the fluid mobility and impact of research outputs throughout society.

Declaration for Open Science and Research 2020-2025 ( (pdf)
Science communication recommendations_2018 ( (pdf)
Science communication recommendations|Committee for Public Information (
Science communication recommendations (in Finnish)|Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK ( 

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