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Researcher's guide to responsible and open science

How do I take openness into account in the research process?

Image adapted from the How to be an open researcher image on the Council of Australian University Libraries website (CC BY 4.0, Open Research Toolkit).


Conduct research responsibly

  • Follow and comply with the principles of responsible research, responsible conduct of research, and research ethics.
  • Be mindful of responsible conduct throughout the research process in all your activities.

Comply with open research policy

  • Recognise the key policies for open and responsible research.
  • Follow the open science and research policies of the Tampere Universities community as well as the key national and international open science and research policies.
  • Pay attention to the open science recommendations of funders and publishers.

Make your outputs FAIR

  • Make sure that the data, methods, and research outputs of your research are FAIR, i.e. findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.
  • Take FAIR into account already at the planning stage of the research project.

Apply the CARE principles

  • If necessary, pay attention to the CARE principles that define the rights of indigenous peoples to research data.
  • Always give local communities and indigenous peoples the right to decide on the use of research data that concerns them.
  • Follow the ethical principles of research throughout the research process.

Use Creative Commons licenses

  • License your research outputs, such as publications, research data, and metadata with Creative Commons licenses.
  • A CC license allows you to define how others are permitted to use your work.

Ensure your work has a persistent identifier

  • Favour publication channels that provide a unique, permanent identifier for research outputs such as publications, research data, metadata, and code.
  • A persistent identifier facilitates the discoverability, citability, and reuse of research outputs.
  • By using the ORCID researcher identifier, you ensure that your research output is linked to you.

Make your outputs openly accessible

  • Self-archive both your peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed publications in the higher education community’s institutional repositories.
  • By self-archiving, you ensure the openness and digital preservation of your publications.
  • Make use of the agreements made by the Library when publishing open access.

Make your data openly accessible

  • Make sure your research data is as findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) as possible.
  • When making data open access, follow the principle of “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”.
  • Plan the opening of your data already at the planning stage of the research project.

Make your code openly accessible

  • Always publish source code and software open access when necessary.
  • Publish code and software in a service that issues a persistent identifier. This allows you to cite your code and software in publications.
  • License your code and software.

Maintain your current awareness

  • Stay up to date with the latest issues and developments in responsible and open research.


Open access publications at Tampere Universities

One of the benefits of open access (OA) is that scientific articles which are openly available may be cited more often than articles in traditional subscription journals. Also OA publications get more media coverage and visibility as they are freely accessible and may affect to career advancement.

What can researcher do?

  • Post free copies of previously published articles in a public repository, eg. local repositories TUNICRIS/Trepo/Theseus.
  • Publish in open access venues.
  • Publicly share materials and data via a trusted repository

Below is an example of our open publications.


Publication types A&C according to classification of Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.

Source: Tampere University's research information system TUNICRIS 24.5.2024.

Open access theses at Tampere Universities

Source: Trepo, Theseus. 5/2024


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