Would you like to have a mix of different trainings or one especially tailored for you? Please don't hesitate to contact us and we will plan a session especially suited for your needs!
Data management trainings: researchdata@tuni.fi
Open science and research impact and visibility trainings: oa@tuni.fi
The Library provides training on open access publishing for researchers, doctoral researchers and staff of Tampere Universities and Tampere University Hospital. The training sessions cover topics such as article processing charges, self-archiving, sharing on social media, and using the research information system.
The content of the trainings can be tailored to the needs of the research team, for example. Please contact our service address oa@tuni.fi to plan together what we could offer you!
Please also see the Library's Open Access Guide. It contains extensive information on the different forms of open access publishing and the requirements of research funders. In the Guide for Open Access support funding, you can learn more about the Library’s support for covering article processing charges. The TUNICRIS Guide provides instructions on how to use the Tampere University research information system.