The course consist of four modules as follows:
The course is fully online. The study material is based mostly on reading and short videos. Each module includes a hands-on exercise which supports and drives forward your own research work. The course lasts four weeks and an extra week is offered so that participants can finalize the exercises.
To be able to pass the course, the participant has to submit a weekly exercise of each module.
Teaching periods: II and IV
Responsible teacher: Saila Huuskonen
The course will go through:
The aim of the course is to deepen the skills needed in managing survey and interview data. The contact teaching ensures that participants understand how important the responsible data management is in his/her own research. Research data management is a core skill for researchers. It supports practical work, gives merit to a researcher and as well increases the impact of a research in the society.
Teaching periods: I and III
Responsible teacher: Saila Huuskonen and Katja Fält
After completing this course, you will know possibilities and limitations of evaluation indicators and be able to implement and present them in a responsible way. You will learn what is responsible evaluation of researcher and find the guidelines and the Template for researcher’s curriculum vitae from Finnish National board on Research Integrity (TENK) web pages.
The aim of the contact teaching is to deepen the skills needed in implementing and using indicators of research evaluation. For researcher it is important to realize hers/his rights to be evaluated in responsible way. Responsible science communication is an essential part of academic activity and open science initiatives. Science communication in society increases research merits and impact in addition to scientific publishing.
To be able to pass the course, the participant has to take part in the lectures and complete the exercises via Moodle on time.
Teaching periods: I and III
Responsible teacher: Johanna Löhönen