The library provides support and training for a variety of situations where the impact and visibility of research is being examined. The main focus of the training is on communicating the importance of key researcher identifiers and profiles, and raising awareness of the principles of responsible researcher evaluation.
We will advise researchers on the use of publication metrics and the principles of responsible scientific publishing. Typically, publication metrics means:
We provide support and training in creating an ORCID researcher ID and the Researcher's Profile Tool on, as well as advice on other visibility services.
For more information, see our guide on Research impact and visibility.
We offer publication metric services for the management of higher education community, faculties, education units and research groups, according to principles of responsibility and openness. We produce bibliometric reports for different purposes, e.g. to monitor the impact of research publications, support funding applications and recruitment processes.
Please contact us at and let's plan together what we can offer you!