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Responsible and open science trainings

Trainings - Autumn 2024

Article-based dissertation – publishing & practices

Thursday 5th September 2024 at 13.15-14.30 on Teams

The training is targeted at doctoral researchers working on an article-based dissertation.

After the training:

  • You know what steps are involved in the dissertation publication process at Tampere University.
  • You know why open access is essential in publishing a dissertation.
  • You have an understanding of the different options for open access publishing, as well as how copyright issues are related to these options.
  • You know what kind of support is available for open access publishing.
  • You can name some tools used in evaluating the reliability of a publication channel.

The instructors are open science specialists at Tampere University Library. The training will be held online via Teams, and it will not be recorded.

Research Council of Finland and Plan S compliant publication channels -training

Tuesday 15th of October 2024 at 9.15-10.00 Teams link available on the Intranet (log in with TUNI account)

The training is targeted at members of the higher education community who work in Research Council of Finland's (formerly known as Academy of Finland) funded projects.

After the training: 

  • You understand Research Council of Finland's policy on open publishing and its impact on the choice of publication channel​
  • You know how to identify Plan S-compatible publication channels
  • You know how to choose the form of open publishing according to the guidelines of the Research Council of Finland
  • You know why and how self-archiving is done
  • You will find additional instructions and know where to ask for help if necessary

Trainers work as open access specialists at Tampere University Library. Training is an online training session in Teams. Training will not be recorded. 


Tuesday 19th of November 2024 at 13.15-14.00 Attend training (intranet) 

Target group and objectives of the training:

The training is aimed at researchers who have a personal profile in TUNICRIS, but it is not a necessary condition for participation in the training.

After the training, you will master the following: 

  • You know what a research information system is and what kind of data is maintained in the system 
  • You understand what the data in the system is still used for 
  • You are able to check, add or edit your TUNIRIS profile information if necessary 
  • You know the different ways to add publications to the system 
  • You can find further help and know where to turn for help if you need it

The instructors are the library's open science experts. The training will take place on Teams and will not be recorded.

Available discounts and funding for OA publishing -training

Tuesday 26th of November 2024 at 9.15-10.00 Teams link available on the Intranet (log in with TUNI account)

The training is targeted at members of the higher education community who, in their work or studies, need information about the open access article processing charges. 

After the training:

  • You understand the different ways of open publishing and differences between them
  • You know how to use the agreements concluded by the Library on open access publishing and act according to the instructions
  • You know about other possible sources of funding for open access costs
  • You understand the benefit and importance of self-archiving as part of open science
  • You will find additional instructions and know where to ask for help if necessary

Trainers work as open access specialists at Tampere University Library. Training is an online training session in Teams. Training will not be recorded. 

Self-archiving and TUNICRIS

Thursday 28th of November 2024 at 10.15-10.45 Attend training (intranet) 

Target group and objectives of the training 

The training is aimed at researchers who have publications under an affiliation of the Tampere University. 

After the training, you will master the following: 

  • You understand the significance of self-archiving from the perspective of openness, visibility and long-term availability of research 
  • You know the roles of the publication archive and research information system in self-archiving 
  • You either know how to self-archive a publication yourself or where to send a publication to add it to TUNICRIS 
  • You can find further help and know where to turn for help if you need it 

The instructors are the library's open science experts. The training will take place on Teams and will not be recorded.

Open Access publishing in a nutshell -training

Wednesday 4th of December 2024 at 09.15-10.45, Teams link available on the Intranet (log in with TUNI account)

The training is targeted at members of the higher education community who, in their work or studies, need information and skills related to open access publishing.

After the training:  

  • You understand the different ways of open access publishing and differences between them
  • You know the key factors in choosing a publication channel, such as the reliability of the publication channel, funder's requirements, etc. ​
  • You understand the meaning of copyright and licenses
  • You recognize the different ways of using article versions created during the publication process
  • You will find additional instructions and know where to ask for help if needed

Trainers work as  open access specialists at Tampere University Library. Training is an online training session in Teams. Training will not be recorded. 


P. 0294 520 900

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