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Responsible and open science trainings

Trainings - Spring 2024

ORCID researcher indentifier training

Monday 19th of February 2024 at 15.15–15.45 Zoom link available on the Intranet (log in with TUNI account)

The training is targeted at members of the higher education community.

After the training you will be able to: 

  • Know what the ORCID researcher identifier is.​
  • Create and maintain an identifier.​
  • Know how to use the identifier

Trainers work as a  open science specialists at Tampere University Library. Training is an online training session in Zoom. Training will not be recorded. 

Researcher profiles for researcher visibility and criteria for researcher evaluation training

Tuesday 19th of March 2024 at 15.00–16.00 Zoom link available on the Intranet (log in with TUNI account) 

The training is targeted at members of the higher education community.

After the training you will be able to: 

  • Recognize different researcher profiles.​
  • Understand why profiles are important to keep up to date.​
  • Understand the principles of responsible researcher evaluation and recognize the underlying agreements and guidelines.

Trainers work as a  open science specialists at Tampere University Library. Training is an online training session in Zoom. Training will not be recorded. 

Evaluating the quality of publication channels

Tuesday 9 April 2024 at 13.00-14.00 on Teams

Please find link via the intranet personnel trainings.

The training is aimed especially at doctoral researchers and for people with little experience in academic publishing, but it is open to everyone who is interested in the topic.

After the training

  • You will know what "predatory publishing" means and can identify its key characteristics;
  • You understand the background and implications of the phenomenon;
  • You know the key issues of responsible researcher evaluation;
  • You know how to use the features of the Cabells’ database to assess the quality of publication channels;
  • You understand the limitations of different databases and listings in assessing the quality of publication channels.

The instructors are open science specialists at Tampere University Library. The training will be held online via Teams, and it will not be recorded.

Researcher's Profile Tool training

Wednesday 15th of May 2024 at 9.15–9.45 Zoom link available on the Intranet (log in with TUNI account)

The training is targeted at members of the higher education community.

After the training you will be able to: 

  • Know what the Researcher's profile tool is.
  • Create and maintain a profile
  • Know the benefits of the profile-tool and how to use it

Trainers work as a  open science specialists at Tampere University Library. Training is an online training session in Zoom. Training will not be recorded. 


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