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Media, art, communication and journalism: Articles and databases

A guide for students in Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Key Databases

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Remote access to e-resources

To access library materials via Google Scholar: Top left corner three bars ⇒ Settings ⇒ Library Links ⇒ search and select from the list Tampere University - TUNI Fulltext ⇒ save.

Andor search service

In Andor you can find information about library's printed collections and a vast collection of international e-resources. When searching for material for your thesis it is recommended that in addtion to searching in Andor, you'll also search the article databases on your field of science. Please note that Andor does not cover the content of all the other databases.

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Usage rights and terms of use

Use your Tuni account to access resources in off-campus use. More information on the library website.


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