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Media, art, communication and journalism: Writing and citing

A guide for students in Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Support for writing

Reference management software

With reference management software, you can save and organize your references and automatically create citations and bibliographies in your text.

For more information, see library's guide Reference management .

Student: Always check the citation style used in your thesis with your supervisor or from your department.

Citing and copyright

See the guidelines for writing a thesis in your faculty, unit or subject (intranet).

Reporting the use of an AI application

Should I mention the use of AI?

Yes, if you have used ChatGPT or other AI applications in your work, you must mention all its use. Check out the instructions of your university:

As a general rule, you should respect the original sources, look them up and refer to them properly. 

Writing your own texts (answers to assignments, essays, etc.) on ChatGPT is considered plagiarism or dishonesty in most institutions, even if you cite ChatGPT as a source. Using ChatGPT in this way is not recommended.

Submitting and publishing your thesis

Submitting and publishing your thesis -guide

  • See here the guidelines for the submission and electronic archiving of theses of the Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)

Publishing a dissertation at the Tampere University -guide

How to spot disinformation


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