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Teacher's guide: Teacher as a researcher

Teaching and researching

Teachers in a higher education are occupied with both teaching and research work in one way or another.

More about teaching and researching: Teaching and learning centre

Muumi-muki ja muistikirja pöydällä, läppäri näkyy taustalla.Nainen kokoaa seinälle kollaasia erilaisista metallisista rattaista ja työkaluista.

Picture: Essi Kannelkoski / TAMK                                                              Picture: Mika Kanerva

Guides for Researchers

Research data services

Research Data Services is a network of experts coordinated by the library, which provides services and tools for managing research data for the staff and students of the Tampere higher education community. In addition to library experts, the network includes experts from IT services, research services, legals services team and Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD).


TUNICRIS Research Information System

The publication data, academic activities, and other research-related information of Tampere University and Tampere University Hospital (Tays) are maintained in the TUNICRIS research information system.

Public portal

Internal user interface (login with TUNI ID)

More about the use and functions of TUNICRIS on the Researcher's guide to responsible and open science - TUNICRIS.


Oletettavasti eri maista saapuneet kansainväliset tutkijat tai opiskelijat keskustelevat seisten epämuodollisesti rivissä.

Picture: Jonne Renvall, Tampereen yliopisto

On research methods

Researcher identifiers and profiles

The purpose of researcher identifiers and profiles is to gather all the researcher's publications and other academic activities under the correct person.

  • Some profiles are formed by themselves, e.g. based on membership in an organization, e.g. TUNICRIS. For more information, see the TUNICRIS section of this guide.
  • Others, on the other hand, are formed when the researcher's publications are indexed into a citation database (Scopus and Web of Science). This is how e.g. Scopus Author ID and Web of Science Researcher Profile are formed.
  • Some identifiers/profiles need to be created by yourself, e.g. ORCID,, and Google Scholar.

A researcher profile improves the evaluation and monitoring of scientific work, as it becomes easier to find publications and follow the citations received by articles. Many profiles can also be used to collect other information about your career.

See more detailed presentations and instructions on researcher IDs and profiles on the Researcher's guide to responsible and open science - Researcher identifiers and profiles.

Online survey tools


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