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Teacher's guide: Course book acquisition

General information about course book acquisition

Picture: Essi Kannelkoski / TAMK

Tampere University Library acquires course literature which belongs to the current degree program curriculums of Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences. The Library pays the course books acquired for general use. We recommend e-resources as learning material and help in searching and selecting them. In particular, the use of free open educational resources, like open books, is recommended. More information about open course books.

Responsibility for requesting the required course books to the Library lies with the responsible teachers of the course units. Course book requests should be sent via course book form. Course books for the next semester should be reported to the Library as early as possible; course books for the autumn semester by the end of preceding May and course books for the spring semester by the end of preceding October. Course books for medical courses should be reported well before the beginning of the new course unit to the Library's acquisition contact address.

Course books no more included in study requirements should also be reported to the Library using the course books form.

Printed course books are acquired on a sectoral basis, and they are located mainly in the library unit where they are required for teaching and exams: the course books for the subject areas of Tampere University Main campus to the Library's Linna unit, the course books for medicine and health sciences to the Library's Arvo unit and the course books for Hervanta campus to the Library's Hervanta unit. The course books for Tampere University of Applied Sciences are acquired to TAMK unit.

Course book acquisition contact information

The Library is happy to help you with any course book acquisition issue, contact

Course book form

A panorama view on library's bookshelves in Linna building.

Picture: Jonne Renvall, Tampereen yliopisto/ Tampere University

Course book copies

We order primarily an e-book as a course book, if it is available with appropriate terms and conditions for organizational use.

We supplement the purchase of e-books with printed books as follows:

Course book E-book availability Printed books in textbook collection
Compulsory course books for the course units of Tampere University or Tampere University of Applied Sciences Unlimited license

Not acquired.

Limited license

The number of e-book licenses is taken into account when purchasing printed books. Main principle: 1 copy/license per five students taking the examination at one time, anyway a maximum of 30 printed copies.

For Tampere University of Applied Sciences on case-by-case bases

No e-book available

1 copy per five students taking the examination at one time, anyway a maximum of 30 copies.

For Tampere University of Applied Sciences on case-by-case bases

Additional reading Unlimited or limited license Not acquired
No e-book available 2 copies to the general collection

Materials which are not acquired as course books

  • Teacher's guides and course books for the teachers' own use
  • Workbooks
  • E-resources which work only with separate credentials
  • Individual journals and journal articles
  • Audiovisual material
  • Individual printed standards
  • Fiction (if included course requirements, two printed books are acquired to the general collection or an e-book if available with an organization license) 
  • Learning material for the courses of Summer University or continuing education
  • Books for entrance examinations
  • Individual e-resources in for example PDF mode (if should be saved to the organization's own server)

Materials needed for the University units´ own use

Printed learning material for the use of the University units' own use (for example course books for the teachers' own use) is paid by the unit itself

Order instructions for printed books for Tampere University units can be found in intranet.

Order requests concerning printed books for the units of Tampere University of Applied Sciences can be directed to the heads of competence areas. 

The Library acquires e-books for the use of Tampere University community.


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