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Teacher's guide: Copyright, privacy, accessibility

Usage rights of materials


Data protection in teaching

Library's Data service organise research data management trainings covering topics such as data protection, data management planning, storage solutions, data security and data management ethics. Our basic training schedule can be found in our Open Science Training -guide. Content of trainings and workshops can also be tailored to meet your needs. If you for example  want a workshop for your student group:

We also support data management planning by commenting on data management plans and by providing tips on good data management practices. You can also contact us at when you write a privacy notice or a risk assessment related to the processing of personal data.

Information about copyright

These websites contain useful information regarding copyright in general and copyright in teaching.

Creative Commons

Creative Commons logo

With the Creative Commons copyright licenses you can share your copyright and make your work open for users. Using a Creative Commons licence does not mean you have to give up your rights, but that you give other people the right to use your work according to the conditions you have stipulated

Use the same license for all materials of your research in order to provide a better open process for the life-span of all your research.


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