You can find all theses of Tampere Universities through Andor. Most of the latest theses are available openly online.
There are two ways of searching for theses in Andor.
Openly accessible theses can be found also directly through the repositories. In Trepo and Theseus the full text of the thesis is searched. You can also browse the theses there by faculty/degree and study programmes/field of education.
The theses of the University (since 2019) and theses of TAMK (since autumn 2021) that are not available openly online, can be read at Theses Access Points (Arvo + Hervanta + Linna + TAMK) in the library. Dissertations can also be found in library's printed collection.
Most of the thesis written at Finnish universities can be found through the national Finna search portal. Printed versions of theses can be searched in the respective university library's own catalogue.
Thesis from other Finnish universities in electronic form can be found in each university's own institutional repository.