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Publishing a dissertation at the Tampere University: Publishing a dissertation

Publish your dissertation in the Tampere University Dissertations -series

Start by filling in the The defence of the doctoral dissertation -form.

Then fill in Title page -template and have it checked in your faculty to make sure all affiliations, titles and universities are correct.

Send the checked title pages (word), the article permissions (for both printed and online dissertation) and the article list by email to The library adds the ISBN and ISSN numbers to the title pages and sends the pages back to you (1-3 business days).

After the dissertation has been printed the library saves your doctoral dissertation on the University institutional repository Trepo. You will get instructions on how to publish your dissertation online. If the dissertation is printed in black and white, the online publication is also in black and white.

The printing house sends an archivable (PDF/A) version of the dissertation to the library. It is identical with the printed doctoral dissertation. The dissertation is archived in a closed collection that can be read from a library reading terminal without the possibility to print or copy.

If you publish with some other publisher

Please fill in and submit The defence of the doctoral dissertation form and send the permissions of an article-based dissertation and the article list by email to

In case you publish your dissertation e.g. in a faculty series, in a series by another publisher or as a self-published book, you can get the ISBN -number by email

Self-published dissertations do not receive the serial numbers of the Tampere University Dissertations -series. (*An ISBN is assigned to each separate edition and format of a publication. For example, an e-book and a printed paperback edition of the same work will each have a different ISBN.)

Deliver the printed dissertation to the Faculty and to the Library  no later than 10 days before the public defence.

An online version of the dissertation will be published on the University institutional repository Trepo unless it is not permitted by the external publisher. You will receive the online publishing permission to be electronically signed after you have submitted The defence of the doctoral dissertation -form.

All dissertations of Tampere University must be submitted to the library as an archivable (PDF/A) dissertation with the same content as in the printed dissertation.This applies also to the dissertations, that cannot be published in Trepo. The dissertation is archived in a closed collection that can be read from a library reading terminal without the possibility to print or copy.

Dissertation online

Tampere University requires doctoral candidates to publish their dissertation openly in the University institutional repository Trepo, unless the terms of an external publisher preclude it.

You will receive the online publishing permission to be electronically signed after you have submitted us The defence of the doctoral dissertation -form.

For open publishing, the doctoral candidate must request permission from the publishers of the articles attached to the dissertation. Read more on the Permissions to Publish page. Provided that the terms of the original publisher allow it, articles included in the dissertation can be published online. If you do not have permission to publish the article in electronic form as part of the dissertation, it will be omitted from the PDF file before saving it on Trepo.

Printing and publishing timetable

  • Send your doctoral dissertation well in time to the Printing House (five weeks for printing) and agree on the delivery of the proof and the schedule of printing. The Printing house charge an additional fee (40e)  if there is less than 5 weeks to print the material, so be in time!
  • If your dissertation is published in the Tampere University Dissertations -series the books are automatically delivered to the faculty and the library by the Printing House.
  • The doctoral dissertation must be exhibited 10 days before the public defence (included in five weeks). Please make sure that you deliver the necessary copies to the faculty and library in time, or ask the Printing House to deliver them for you.
  • The delivery addresses and the required number of copies can be found on the Number of copies and Delivery Addresses page.


Checklist: Publishing a dissertation – in a nutshell

Follow this list to make sure you have taken into consideration all the stages included in the publishing process of a dissertation. For detailed instructions on each step, see the tabs in this guide.

  1. Please, make sure that the layout is according to the requirements, Template and layout
  2. Download the Title page -template and fill in the missing information
  3. Send it to your Faculty to make sure that the information is correct
  4. Send the Defence of the doctoral dissertation -form and the checked title page in word format  to the Library along with any permissions to reuse copyrighted articles in your dissertation
  5. Submit your work to the printing house by filling in the order form (no later than 5 weeks before the public defence)
  6. Make sure you have authorization for your dissertation issued by the Faculty council
  7. Accept the proof version of the dissertation
  8. Send the articles, if different from the printed book, as PDF files to the library by email
  9. Prepare a press release as instructed

In case you publish your dissertation e.g. in a faculty series, in a series by another publisher or as a self-published book, follow this list to make sure you have taken into consideration all the stages included in the publishing process of a dissertation.

  1. Get the ISSN and/or ISBN-numbers for your dissertation (for self-published and published in the university's own series:
  2. Send the Defence of the doctoral dissertation -form to the Library
  3. Make sure you have authorization for your dissertation issued by the Faculty council
  4. Deliver the printed dissertation to the Faculty and to the Library  no later than 10 days before the public defence
  5. Send the following documents to the Library by email to your dissertation as a PDF/A file for archiving purposespossible articles (if different from the printed book), list of articles and the article permissions for online publishing
  6. Prepare a press release as instructed

Contact us

email address:

This email is only reaches library staff. For contact information of faculties and the printing house, see here.

If you cannot find answers to your questions, please email us.


P. 0294 520 900

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