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Publishing a dissertation at the Tampere University: Number of copies and Delivery Addresses

Order your dissertation in the Tampere University Dissertations -series

Make your order an order form.

You can find the price counter here.

Instructions for filling the order form

  • I want colored pages (amount) Give the amount of pages in your dissertation that you want in color.
  • List pages List the page numbers of the colored pages in your dissertation here. N.B. Fill these fields only if you want paid color pages. Mainly, books are printed in black and white.

Delivery method of the proof version

  • Printed You will receive a paper version of the draft, where you can see the layouts, fonts, margins and what the book looks like when printed.
  • PDF You will receive a draft in pdf-format by e-mail.

Delivery Information

  • Amount Only copies for your own use will be included here (not the copies for the library and the free copy office).
  • I want special copies In these books every other page is blank. This makes these copies unsuitable for very thick books. These copies are to be given to opponent and custos. Delivered in your book package. You will then forward them yourself.
  • Delivery option If you choose internal post as your delivery method, enter your office number and campus in the "Delivery address" field. If you choose mailing, please add a shipping address. This will add postage to your invoice.

Faculty copies

  • Amount Check from this guide (on the right) how many books your faculty and doctoral program require. That number does not include copies for the library and the free copy office.

  • Faculty copies are delivered directly to the faculty, which also pays for them, as well as for the library and free copy library books.

Billing Information

  • Payer Enter billing information for your own copies here. As for the faculty and library copies, the Printing house will automatically charge the faculty for those.


  • Download here the files of your dissertation in pdf format, either as a single pdf-file or separately as separate pdf-files (title pages, articles, content, article cover pages). Also check that the fonts are embedded in the file!

You can put more information about your work in the Other Information section.

Contact information for the Printing House

Tel. 010 230 8375

Send your doctoral dissertation to the Printing House five weeks for printing. The Printing house charge an additional fee if there is less than 5 weeks to print the material.


If your dissertation is published by some other publisher or as a self-published book, you have to take care of designing the cover, publishing the dissertation, selecting the Printing House, and delivering the books to the Faculty and Library yourself.
Library copies (2 copies) will be delivered to

Tampere University Library
Jaana Silvola-Parkki (Linna h.1058)
PL 617
33014 Tampereen yliopisto.

The dissertations are available openly in the Institutional Repository of Tampere University, Trepo, and they are not printed for sale.

Contact information and copies of faculties

Faculty of Built Environment (BEN)
Doctoral Programme in Built Environment (DPBEN)

  • Korkeakoulunkatu 5, 33720 Tampere
    Hervanta Campus / Rakennustalo RK208 / Jenni Rintala / 2 copies

Faculty of Education and Culture (EDU)
Doctoral programme of Education and Society (DPEDU)

  • Åkerlundinkatu 5, 33100 Tampere
    City Centre Campus / VIRTA 248 / Sari Raudasoja / 1-10 copies (Check the number of copies from the Faculty before order to the dissertation.)

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (ENS)
Doctoral Programme in Engineering and Natural Sciences (DPENS)

  • Korkeakoulunkatu 6, 33720 Tampere 
    Hervanta Campus / Konetalo K2202A  / Riikka Vänni /  1 copy

Doctoral programme in Engineering Sciences (DPES)

  • Korkeakoulunkatu 6, 33720 Tampere 
    Hervanta Campus / Konetalo K2202A  / Riikka Vänni /  1 copy

Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC)
Hervanta Campus and City Centre Campus

Doctoral Programme of Humans and Technologies (DPHAT), Doctoral Programmes in Information Studies and Interactive Media (DPII), Language Studies (DPLA), Media, Communication and Performing Arts (DPMCP)

  • Kanslerinrinne 1, 33100 Tampere
    City Centre Campus, Pinni B Info / 1-10 copies

Doctoral Programme in Information and Systems (DPIS)

  • No printed copies

Doctoral Programmes of Computing and Electrical Engineering (DPCEE), Doctoral Programme in Plenoptic Imaging (DPLEN) and Dynamic Wearable Applications with Privacy Constraint (DPAWE)

  • No printed copies

Faculty of Management and Business(MAB)

Doctoral Programme in Administrative Sciences, Business Studies and Politics (DPHKP)

  • Kanslerinrinne 1, 33100 Tampere
    City Centre Campus/ Pinni A2033 / Hanna Peevo / 1 copies

Doctoral Programme in Business and Technology Management (DPBTM)

  • Korkeakoulunkatu 18, 33720 Tampere
    Hervanta campus / Tietotalo TC307 / Anna Halonen / 1 copy

Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology (MET)
Doctoral Programmes in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering (DPBMSE) and  Medicine, Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering (DPMBBE)

  • Kauppi Campus and Hervanta Campus
    Arvo Ylpön katu 34, 33520 Tampere
    Kauppi Campus / ARVO E160 / Heli Haukilahti / 1 copy

Medicine and Life Sciences (DPMLS)

  • Kauppi Campus and Hervanta Campus
    Arvo Ylpön katu 34, 33520 Tampere
    Kauppi Campus / ARVO E160 / Pia Salkolahti / 1 copy

Faculty of Social Sciences (SOC)
Doctoral Programmes in Epidemiology and Public Health (DPIPPE), Philosophy (DPPH), History (DPHI), Literary Studies (DPLS), Medicine (DPMD), Psychology and Logopedics (DPPL), Health Sciences (DPHS) and Social Sciences (DPSS)

  • Kalevantie 5, 33100 Tampere
    City Centre Campus / Leena Nikkari  / Linna 6055 / 10 copies

Publication Subsidy

The University subsidises printing costs by paying for all the copies needed for the University (faculty, library (2 copies) , Legal Deposit Office - University of Helsinki (6 copies)).

 In general, the doctoral candidate pays for his/her own copies. Check with your faculty.


P. 0294 520 900

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