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Publishing a dissertation at the Tampere University: PDF conversion and Accesibility

Converting text into PDF format

Saving the dissertation in pdf format

  1. Open your document.
  2. Embed all fonts (File -> Options -> Save -> Embed fonts). Save the file.
  3.  Do not compress the images (File -> Options-> Advanced -> Image size and Quality -> Set default target output to 220ppi)
  4. Check that a title of the file has been added. File -> Details -> Properties -> Title — enter a title here
  5. Save As.
  6. Choose from ’Save as type: pop-up-menu’ PDF.
  7. Optimize for: Standard (publishing online and printing)
  8. Options: ISO19005-1 -compliant •(PDF/A) and Bitmap text when fonts may not be embedded are not chosen

NOTE! The Printing House will replace the checked title pages in your  file, if the file is saved in PDF / A format, switching will not be possible.


If you publish with some other publisher, send your dissertation as a PDF/A file for archiving purposes to the Library. PDF/A is a file format which is used for long term preservation and archiving. Its extension is pdf. There are multiple PDF formats with the .pdf extension, but not all of them are PDF/A files. PDF/A files conform to the ISO 19005-1:2005 standard. In practice, the only difference when saving in PDF/A format compared to saving normally in PDF format is that you must choose the correct format when saving the file. Programs don't save by default in PDF/A format.

Remember to check the PDF/A document after conversion. Check especially that all text and image elements are shown correctly.

PDF/A Muuntaja service

Muuntaja -service for converting PDF/A format

We have opened the Muuntaja -service for converting theses into PDF/A format. With the help of Muuntaja -service you can easily convert your thesis into PDF/A format. Read more and test the service in You can log in to the service with your Tuni account.


 How to create a PDF/A file with LaTeX

Make digital services accessible

Accessibility ensures equality. Digital accessibility means that all individuals are able to receive the information in an accessible format regardless of the situation at the time or possible individual limitations for the use. Accessibility is crucial for people with special needs due to, for instance, mental and physical disabilities and for elderly people. The documents are challenging for individuals who use low vision aids.

Accessibility means the consideration of human diversity in digital services. In other words, it corresponds to accessibility in the physical world. 

Accessibility Directive

In Finland, accessibility is required also by the Act on the Provision of Digital Services, which applies to the online content and services produces by universities and other authorities. The accessibility requirements cover both digital design of websites and documents on the websites.These are especially the theses that are published in Trepo.

Accessible PDFs

The most important thing to remember is to pay attention to the accessibility early on when creating a document. To make a PDF document accessible, you must first make the original Word document accessible and then convert it into PDF/A format using the appropriate procedure. A correctly saved PDF document contains all of the structures included in the Word document, which, for example, a visually impaired person can utilise to read the document using a screen reader.

At least the following should be taken into consideration in accessible Word documents:

  • The file structure (headings, paragraphs, lists) is created using the Styles menu, not, for example, by changing the font size.
  • The font is sufficiently large and intelligible, while the contrast between the font and background is sufficient.
  • Images have text alternatives that describe the image content to those unable to see the images.
  • Tables are created with the table tool of Word or Excel, and they contain a header row.
  • The language and title (not the same as file name) of the document are assigned in the properties.
  • Accessibility is ensured using Word’s Check Accessibility function.

On the intranet of TUNI, you can find more information on making the documents accessible:

Accessible files website (in Finnish only)


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