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Submitting and publishing your thesis: Submitting your thesis to evaluation / Tampere University

Visibility of your thesis

All theses will be submitted and archived in electronic form. According to the open science statement of the Tampere University all theses will be available online unless prohibited by the term of an external publisher.

When submitting your thesis in Trepo you have to choose the visibility of your thesis:

  • Open access through the internet (recommendation of the University)
  • Limited access in the library's theses access point (Linna, Hervanta, Arvo) with no printing or saving possibilities (minimum requirement for all theses)

Submitting your thesis to evaluation

This instruction concerns submitting bachelor's theses, master's theses, master's theses (medicine), master's-level thesis in optional studies and licentiate theses.

Note! All bachelor's theses will be archived in Trepo starting from 1st of August 2019.

When your thesis is ready

  1. Read these instructions carefully and start the submission process using the links in phase 3.
  2. Make sure your thesis is in PDF/A format, it has the cover sheet of the University, an abstract page, Use of AI in thesis page and you have the permission of your supervisor to submit the thesis. Make sure you are submitting the right version of your thesis, you can't change or fix the thesis after the submission for evaluation.
    • Note! Only thesis in PDF/A format with the right cover sheet proceeds in the evaluation process.
    • Name the PDF/A file with your name (SurnameForename.pdf, in case of thesis with two authors: Surname_Surname.pdf)
  3. Go to website Login with Haka Login with your tuni user account. The student must be registered as present in order to submit a thesis on Trepo.
  4. Choose the visibility/permission to publish for your thesis and begin the submission in the collection of your choice. According to the open access statement of the Tampere University all theses will be available online unless prohibited by the terms of an external publisher.​
    ​Choose the right collection with the help of this instruction:
    • Master's theses (including master's theses - medicine) and licentiate theses:
      • Open Access: Master’s theses - Submissions
        • My thesis will be published online according to the recommendation of the University.
      • Access in the library's theses access point: Master’s theses - Submissions (Limited access)
        • My thesis will be accessible in the library's theses access point with no printing or saving possibilities. The metadata of my thesis will be available online.
    • Bachelor's theses
      • Open Access: Bachelor’s thesis - Submissions
        • My thesis will be published online according to the recommendation of the University.
      • Access in the library's theses access point: Bachelor’s thesis - Submissions Submissions (Limited access)
        • My thesis will be accessible in the library's theses access point with no printing or saving possibilities. The metadata of my thesis will be available online.
  5. Publishing permission: Give the permission for publishing your thesis in Trepo institutional repository by ticking Proceed to submit the Thesis and choosing Next. Note, the permission for online publishing comes according to the collection you choose.

  6. Upload file(s): Choose the file from your computer in File. Leave the box File Description empty. The file will be uploaded as you click Next.
  7. Describe item: Fill in the form according to the instructions.
    • If you thesis has two or more authors:
      • Do the submission only once.
      • Add all the authors in Tekijä / Author field.
      • Send an email to and write the names and email addresses of the authors who has been contributing to this thesis.
    • Copyright information: Choose which copyrights you will grant to the users of your thesis:
      • By selecting “This publication is copyrighted. You may download, display and print it for Your own personal use. Commercial use is prohibited.”  you will retain the rights to your work in accordance with normal copyright legislation.
      • You also have the opportunity to share some of your copyrights with the users of your thesis by adopting a Creative Commons licence. You can select a Creative Commons licence when you own all rights to your thesis or you have permission from the owners of parallel copyrights to use the licence. Read more about Creative Commons.
    • Keywords: You can add keywords to describe the content of your thesis. The program suggests keywords from YSO - General Finnish ontology for the PDF you just uploaded. Please tick the words you like to use. You can also add other keywords on the line under the box. The text prediction recommends the appropriate keywords from the YSO-ontology. If you would like to use (also) other than YSO-words please add them on the next row of the form called Vapaat asiasanat – Free keywords.
      You may also prefer not to use keywords at all and skip the rows Keywords and Free keywords.
    • Abstract: you can add the abstract of your thesis only if it can be published on the Internet. You can also add the abstracts in other languages if the abstracts are included in your thesis.
    • Name of the orderer or commissioner. Write here the name of the orderer or commissioner if the work was commissioned and there is permission to disclose their name.
  8. After filling in all the boxes, click Next.
  9. Review Submission: Check the filled information. You can correct possible mistakes by clicking the Correct one of these -text. If the information is correct, click Complete submission.

After the submission

  • Bachelor's theses, master's theses, master's theses (medicine), master's-level thesis in optional studies: You will get an email in three working days with the title ”[JIRA] (GRA-XXX) Your Name”. This email has the address where your examiner(s) can pick up your theses for evaluation. Forward this message to your examiner(s) right after you get it.
    • In case one of your thesis examiner is not a member of the Tampere University, you have to send her/him as an email attachment the exact same pdf/A -version of your thesis as you submitted to Trepo. The examiners who are not members of the Tampere University do not have  access to Trepo's submissions collections.
  • Examination process of a licentiate thesis follows the guidelines of the faculty: See the Student's Guide: Examination process of a licentiate thesis
  • When your thesis has been approved in the faculty, library will move your thesis to the collection you chose, either open access in the Internet or only accessible in the library’s theses access point.
  • The Bachelor’s theses will be stored for 10 years. After that they will be removed from Trepo. All the other theses are stored permanently.
  • Students can order a printed version of their thesis at their own expense from a printing office they prefer.

Visual instructions for submitting the thesis

Visual instructions for submitting the thesis:

Article based thesis

The principle of publicity applies even if the thesis or parts of it are published as an article. Article based thesis will be processed same as the other theses. Some tips:

  • If the journal and your co-authors allow, you may give permission to publish your thesis online, in which case your thesis will be published online in Trepo, the institutional repository of Tampere University. Please, remember to add the citation of your article in your thesis. The citation must include the DOI of the article if available.
  • Make sure you are using the correct version of the article (pre print, post print, publisher's version) for online publishing.
  • Publishers often have an online form for asking the permission or you can apply for it through the Copyright clearence center. Remember to ask the permission to publish your article as a part of your thesis. All journals do not allow the online publication of articles. Please email the publishers’ permission to the library:
  • Your thesis should have a different title than the forthcoming article because all the metadata of the theses will be published online through the library's databases.
  • If your article is still in draft phase and has not been submitted to a journal, it is not recommendable to give permission to publish the thesis online.
  • For more information on article permissions, see Publishing a dissertation at the Tampere University: Article permissions


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