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Submitting and publishing your thesis: Submitting your thesis / TAMK


TAMK's instructions for submitting your thesis to Theseus can be found in TAMK Student's Handbook.

You can contact the library in any matters concerning thesis submission by e-mail or by visiting at the library service counter.

Please note that you will not obtain your degree certificate before you have submitted the thesis to Theseus.

An accepted thesis is a public document.

  • Your thesis can't include any confidential information. Possible confidential or otherwise separate material will not be archived by TAMK.
  • Thesis must be written so that it is public in every aspect.
  • Thesis will become public after it has been accepted to Theseus by library staff.

Please, choose from these alternatives:

  • Submit the electronic version of your thesis to Theseus Open Repository in open collection OR in restricted collection.

Please check the following before submitting your thesis

  • Copyrights - do you have the right to publish your work online (pictures, photographs etc.).
  • Please remove your student number, address, phone numbers or any other information you don't want to publish online.
  • Your thesis is formatted according to TAMK instructions, including cover page and abstract.
  • You are submitting the correct version of your thesis, approved by your thesis supervisor.
  • Your thesis has gone through Turnit.
  • Your file is in PDF/A-format (regular pdf is not enough). PDF/A -format is needed for long-term storing of your thesis. You can save the file to PDF/A-format in Word or use university’s muuntaja-service: you need help, please contact Remove incorrect information from meta information of your PDF-file before you turn it into a PDF/A-file: File - Properties - Description.
  • You have updated your thesis title in Wihi. The title goes from Wihi to your certificate, so the title should be the same in Wihi and in Theseus.

Submitting an electronic thesis

Tampere Universities recommends that you submit your thesis in the open collection of Theseus Open Repository in PDF/A format. If you don't want your thesis to be public, you can also submit your thesis to the restricted collection of Theseus. Those theses are readable only from certain computers in the library (TAMK, Linna, Arvo, Hervanta) and in the legal deposit libraries which are National Library of Finland, Åbo Akademi Library, Turku University Library, Jyväskylä University Library, Oulu University Library and Library of University of Eastern Finland. Good instructions for submitting your thesis to Theseus can be found here:

If there are several authors to the thesis, one of you can take care of the actual submission, but all names must be mentioned in the author fields.

You must submit your thesis to Theseus while your TUNI passwords are still valid. If you can login to Theseus, but you have difficulties in submitting your thesis, please check from Student Office ( if you are present as a student. NOTE. Students at Open University of Applied Sciences cannot submit their thesis to Theseus, because their Haka-attribute is different from degree student. Person must be a degree student to be able to submit thesis to Theseus. If you have problems with submitting your thesis to Theseus, please contact the library (

Your thesis will be published in Theseus after a short processing time by the library staff.

Convert your thesis into PDF/A, an archive-quality form. The PDF/A- file should be named like this: Last name_First name.pdf. If there are several authors, the file is named Last name_Last name.pdf. No Scandinavian letters or diacritical marks can be used in the file name.

If you have problems with attaching enclosures to the thesis in PDF file, you can attach them separately when saving the thesis in Theseus. The recommended maximum size is 2 GB.

NOTE! Please, don't make another submission, if you notice a mistake in your submission. Please contact

Artistic thesis

If your thesis consists of paintings, photographs, videos, installations or other works of art you should submit a written documentation of the artistic work. Written part of the thesis is submitted electronically in Theseus Open Repository (max 2 GB in PDF/A format) in open collection OR in restricted collection. Check the instructions above Submitting an electronic thesis. Copy of the artistic part of the thesis is also submitted in electronic format if possible.


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