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Social sciences: Training

Teaching at city centre campus

Bachelor's Degree Students

  • Students attending their Bachelor's Thesis Seminar have to attend a compulsory information searching training. The teaching is part of the seminar, no separate sign-up necessary.

Master's Degree Students (arriving)

  • International students arriving at Tampere University to pursue their Master's Degree attend a 2-hour compulsory information searching teaching that is part of their general studies.

Master's Thesis Seminar Students

  • Students attending a Master's Thesis Seminar at city centre campus have to attend a 2-hour advanced information searching workshop. The teaching is part of the seminar, no separate sign-up necessary.

More information about Information searching classes at city centre campus: Information Specialist Saija Tapio

Link to library's trainings

More support for information searching?

Have you already participated in information seaching training but you still have questions regarding information searching? Join an information searching workshop!

In the workshop you'll get guidance and tips for seaching and finding information in your own topic.

Pre-register for the workshop in advance no later than Monday of the previous week.

If you need to cancel, please let us know  to free up your place for the next person :

These weekly workshops are aimed at the students of TAMK and Tampere University. It is expected that you have participated in the information searching training that is part of your study programme before attending a workshop.


P. 0294 520 900

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