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Student's guide to responsible and open science: Open science


Welcome to Tampere University Library's student guide to open science. The guide is intended for all students in the higher education community.

What is open science

Open science is an umbrella term for activities that aim to promote open approaches to science and research. Openness is a fundamental principle in science which should be open and accessible to all, including those outside the scientific community. Open science approaches are seen as a way to promote science, research and the societal impact of research.

A key objective of open science is to make research outputs as accessible as possible. Research outputs include publications, research methods and data. In addition, open education and open infrastructures are also considered as components of open science.

See more Open Science page.

Picture: Towards a UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.

Why open science?

  • It enables wider use of research results, data, methods, infrastructures and learning materials.
  • It increases the impact and mobility of research knowledge, which in turn contributes to both increased civilisation and innovation.
  • The quality of research can be improved through openness of research outputs and transparency of the research process.
  • Transparency increases equality within research communities and society at large.

Source: Declaration for Open Science and Research 2020–2025. 2020. Open Science and Research Coordination, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.

Open science in the Tampere higher education community

According to the Tampere higher education principles, open science and research is an integral part of the whole university community. Open science is part of good scientific practice.

The publications, theses, research data and research methods produced at the University of Tampere and Tampere University of Applied Sciences are, in principle, shared and open.

The Open Science Policy, common to the higher education community, defines the general principles of openness, as well as the principles regarding the openness of research data and open publishing. In addition, it explains how the progress and effectiveness of open science and research is evaluated and monitored. To implement the goals of the open science policy, separate action programs have been drawn up for the University and the University of Applied Sciences. 

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