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Why are Open Educational Resources (OER) important?
- Open materials are accessible to students throughout the learning process.
- If you publish your learning material openly, you grant others the right to use and further develop it.
- Open publishing also offers students the opportunity to develop and share learning materials.
- Teachers instructing the same course can use materials that a colleague of theirs has published openly.
- Open access materials can also be flexibly used in distance learning, without a university user account.
- Making your material openly accessible ensures the visibility of your material and your competence. You should also mention the open publication of your learning material in your CV. The CV template prepared by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity includes a recommendation that researchers indicate their open access learning materials as part of their teaching merits and ability to develop teaching methods.
- Your example of sharing your learning material encourages others to share theirs. Thanks to the principle of reciprocity, you then have access to more material for your own students.
You Tube Video Open Educational Resources: What and Why (3:27) made by CTL at UofA
You Tube Video (6:56) Open Educational Resources why, how and where, made by University of Groningen