Welcome to Tampere University Library guide: Open education and open educational resources
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Open Education (OE) is part of open science. Open Education addresses barriers to learning by engaging open education practices in the classroom and through the development and use of open educational resources. Openness in teaching allows for the sharing of a wide range of educational resources and educational practices.
OER-Enabled Pedagogy is the set of teaching and learning practices only practical in the context of the 5R permissions characteristic of open educational resources. Some people – but not all – use the terms “open pedagogy” or “open educational practices” synonymously.
Open Educational Practices (OEP) support the production and use of open educational resources. In addition to course materials, curricula, lesson plans, evaluation matrix and learning outcomes can be distributed. The open education allows for co-creation with different experts. OEP engages students in collaborative knowledge creation that is then openly shared, often through networked technologies.
Open Educational Resources (OER) are defined by UNESCO as materials such as course books, articles, online courses, or computer software that can be used freely and free of charge for teaching and learning. They are either free of copyright or licensed under a license that allows free use, modification, and distribution of the material. The development of open educational resources should also consider accessibility and suitability for a wide range of learners.
The European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL) is part of SPARC Europe’s efforts to make open the default for research and education in Europe.
There are a lot of smart people out there adopting, creating, and exploring what "open" means and how it will bring change.
OER Handbook for Educators "Welcome to the world of Open Educational Resources (OER). This handbook is designed to help educators find, use, develop and share OER to enhance their effectiveness online and in the classroom." https://wikieducator.org/OER_Handbook/educator
The authors of the guide: Kati Syvälahti, Information Specialist Tampere University Library
The guide is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0