Find the right material
- Search the OER collections for your subject areas to find the materials. We have created lists of content for you on this guide.
Review and Select
- Evaluate your chosen OER materials in terms of accessibility, accuracy, inclusion and diversity, relevance to your course, production quality, interactivity, technical issues and clear Creative Commons.
- After you found an OER, use evaluation methods and rubrics to assess the quality e.g.
Check the copyright licensing to see how you can use it: e.g. CC-BY-NC-SA. You can find more information on copyright licensing on the copyright page in this guide.
Decide if you want to modify
- If an open material meets most of your criteria, consider whether you could make some modifications to improve its quality and usefulness (for example, through editing, revising or replacing content)
- please note that you’ll need to weigh up the scope of any changes against the work involved in producing a new material
Distribute to your students
- let your students know it´s available and how to find it
- think about how students will access the material
More tips:
- You can find further advice on how to customize an open textbook in this guide by Lauri M. Aesoph, available from BC Campus Open Education: Adaptation Guide
- Five Steps to OER Adoption from the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources: