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Guide for new students: Opening hours and contact info

Library opening hours

There are some exceptions in opening hours e.g. during public holidays and events at the campus. See the exceptional hours from our web site

Library units

Contact us

The Library staff is there for you! So don't hesitate to contact us if you need guidance in any library related subjects.

The customer service number of Tampere University Library is 0294 520 900. You can reach the library also by e-mail

Customer service desk at the Hervanta campus library.

Image: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University

You can find the opening hours and contact information for each campus on the library website.

Information searching workshops

If you’re having difficulties in information searching, you can attend an information searching workshop.

Before booking the workshop it is recommended that you attend information searching training organized by the library.


P. 0294 520 900

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