This guide is aimed at new students at Tampere Universities.
The guide contains essential and concise information about Tampere University Library and its services.
Andor search service to locate printed books and journals as well as links to e-books, e-journas and journal articles.
Use ourYou can also place holds on books and renew your loans online, as well as access e-resources remotely when you log in to Andor with your tuni user account.
Please note that the Library is not responsible for the IT Services at Tampere Universities.
If you have questions regarding your TUNI user account, the wireless network, printing, available software, etc, see the ICT Services website or contact the IT Helpdesk.
Image: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University
Image: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University
Image: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University
Image: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University
Image: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University
Image: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University
Image: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University
Image: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University
Image: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University
Tampere University Library operates on four different campuses all around Tampere. Read more about our units and their contact info and opening hours on our Library website.
Some library units allow the use of the library outside official opening hours. As a member of the higher education community at Tampere University, contact the campus information desk for more information.
Tampere University Library is active on Twitter. Follow us, give us comments, ask questions and stay on top of our newsfeed on the Library website!
You can use a virtual library card with the TUUDO app if you have a TUNI ID. Alternatively your student card can serve as your library card or you can apply an ordinary library card at the service desk.
Activate your library card with the TUUDO application or make your student card function as a library card online at the IT Helpdesk or contact the Library service desk.
Once you have activated your library card and you have a pin code, you can use the self-service machines to borrow books. Return the books with the self-service returning machine. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask the Library staff!
As a library card holder you are bound to comply with the library service rules and are responsible for all materials borrowed on your card.
The Library does not limit the amount of borrowed books. However, the loan periods for the printed books can vary.
The usual loan period for the general collection is four weeks and two weeks for course books. Always check the due dates from your receipt in order to avoid any late fees.
If you need to extend your loan period, you can renew your loans in Andor. More information on our loan services can be found on our website.