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Information searching studies: In the curriculum

About information searching skills

Information searching in your studies and beyond

The ability to locate, search, and use information is one of the key competencies that you are expected to master as you graduate from Tampere Universities. Information searching skills are a central factor throughout your studies, and you will be able to develop and deepen your existing skills at various points during your studies. All information searching studies have been designed to support you, both in your studies and in working life as a part of lifelong learning.

Information searching studies are integrated into the curriculum.

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Information searching studies at Tampere University

Information searching studies are integrated into the curriculum at  various points in your studies. You can see more information about the courses and enroll to them in Sisu.

First-year students

Learning outcomes

The student is familiar with the Library services, is able to locate the resources they need, and search for information from these resources.  


  • Library resources supporting studies, remote access 
  • Basics of information searching 
  • Ethical use of information and basics of reference management 
  • Open science as a concept 
  • Information literacy and information searching skills as study skills.

Bachelor's degree students

Learning outcomes

The student will recognize relevant vocational and/or scientific sources in their field and use them in order to search information efficiently. The student can evaluate and use information sources ethically as a part of an academic thesis. 


  • Understanding the information searching process, information searching plan 
  • The most important Finnish and international sources of information of their field 
  • The techniques and strategies of information seeking 
  • Evaluating the search results 
  • Open access materials as part of the thesis (certain fields of study) 
  • Basics of good scientific practice and ethical conduct 

New students in international master's degree programmes

Learning objectives

The student will know how to use the library services, locate field-specific library sources and seek information efficiently. The student will be able to evaluate their search findings and cite them correctly in their studies.


  • Library services
  • Basics of information retrieval 
  • Locating printed and electronic resources at the library, remote access
  • How to use information ethically (citing, avoiding plagiarism)
  • Open science and research

Master's degree students

Learning outcomes

The student will be able to name specific information sources in their field and systematically search for information. The student can evaluate information critically and use it ethically as a part of a thesis. 


  • Systematic information retrieval in master’s studies: parsing your topic, applying a search strategy, using a search diary, literature review
  • Field-specific information sources
  • Evaluating information sources, following citations
  • Ethical use of information in your thesis
  • The advantages of open access publishing for your studies, data management

Information searching studies learning outcomes and content at TAMK

Information searching studies is integrated into the curriculum at  various points in your studies. Read more in your curriculum.

Information searching skills in first-year studies

Learning outcomes

The student is familiar with the information resources offered by the library, is able to find the resources and services they need in their studies and knows how to use them following ethical study practices.


  • Library's information resources and services, remote access
  • Information searching skills as study skills e.g. search techniques
  • Ethical use of information in higher education
  • Openness of science, open science as a concept

Systematic information searching in Professional studies

Learning outcomes

The student recognizes the scientific and professional information sources of their field and knows how to use them in order to search information in a structured way. The student knows how to evaluate and use information sources following good scientific practice.


  • Selected information sources of their field
  • Understanding the information searching process, planning information searching
  • The techniques and strategies of information searching on a topic
  • Evaluating the relevance of search results and the reliability of sources
  • Using open access resources in information searching
  • Citation practices as part of good scientific practice

Information searching skills in Bachelor's studies

Learning outcomes

The student is able to name relevant information sources in their field and systematically search for information on their topic. The student can critically evaluate the found information and use it ethically in their thesis work and also use these skills after their studies in working life. The student will be able to evaluate and develop their information searching practices. The student understands their actions as part of open science.


  • Systematic information retrieval: parsing the topic, creating a search strategy
  • Using relevant information sources in their field of study
  • Evaluating information sources
  • Ethical use of information as a study and working life skill
  • Advantages of open access publishing for their studies, data management

Information searching skills in the Master's Programmes and TAOK

Learning outcomes

The student is able to name key information sources in their field and systematically search for information on their topic. The student can critically evaluate the found information and use it ethically in their thesis work and also use these skills after their studies in working life. The student is able to evaluate and develop their information searching practices. The student understands their actions as part of open science.


  • Systematic information searching: parsing the topic, creating a search strategy, documenting searches
  • Using relevant information sources in their field of study
  • Evaluating information sources
  • Good scientific practice and responsible conduct in studies and working life
  • The advantages of open access publishing for their studies, data management


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