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Acquisition guidelines: Removals and donations

Maintenance and collection development

  •  To counterbalance the acquisition, we also maintain and develop our collections by removing materials. We remove materials based on criteria defined by the Library as well as assessment by the Library's specialists.
  • Through collection development, we ensure that our collections meet the needs of our customers and are up-to-date. We utilise such criteria as usage statistics, customer feedback, and customer surveys when assessing our collections.
  • Tampere University Library has no obligation to store or archive materials. The most common grounds for not removing an item are the nature of the material as core material in the field of research and teaching, or as a relevant classic in the field.


Removal principles

  • When carrying out removals at different Library units, we take into account the needs and special characteristics of research and teaching.
  • The grounds for removal include such things as the poor condition of the material, limited use and outdated factual content, and the fact that the material has been replaced or can be replaced with an equivalent e-resource. 
  • The removed materials are primarily sent to The National Repository Library. They can be ordered using the interlibrary loan and document delivery request
  • When removing e-resources, we take into account usage data and costs. The grounds for canceling an e-resource subscription include low usage, possible replacement of the resource with other resource, or significant usability problems of the resource.



  • We cannot accept donations for space and resource reasons, with the exception of course books that are in good condition and are  part of the current degree programme requirements.


                    Image: Pixabay


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