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Regional studies and Urban development: Training

Teaching at Hervanta campus

Information searching training at the Hervanta campus is integrated into various courses during your studies.

1st Year Students

Students beginning their studies at the International Bachelor's degree programme in Hervanta or at the Sustanable Urban Development programme (Hervanta and city centre campuses) attend a compulsory information searching training as a part of their Introduction to Academic Studies -course (only in the Fall semester). The training will be held via an online course. Sign up to the Library module in Sisu (a part of either ENS.310 or SUD.001), and then log on to the Moodle area  and complete the course.

Questions about the online course to 1st year students:

Bachelor's Degree Students

Students attending ENS.330 Bachelor's Thesis Seminar in Science and Engineering course have to attend a compulsory information searching training.

The sign-up is on Sisu, and the class will be held in the computer classroom Logos (A119, Kampusareena). There are pre-assignments in the ENS.330 Moodle area. 

Master's Degree Students (arriving)

International students arriving at Tampere University to pursue their Master's Degree attend a 3-hour compulsory information searching training as a part of their Introduction to Graduate Studies course. The training will be held remotely via an online course in Moodle: Information searching studies - arriving Master's students

Questions about the online course for arriving master's students:

Master's Thesis Seminar students

Students attending a Master's Thesis Seminar or a Diploma Work Seminar at Hervanta campus have to complete an advanced information searching online course. Sign up for the online course in Sisu (a part of the seminar). Once you have signed up in Sisu, choose the same group in Moodle and do the required preassignments. 

Students doing their Maste's in Photonics or Natural science students attend the training course ENS.420 Library Research Skills for Graduate Students. Enroll in Sisu and in Moodle. 

For more information about Information Searching training at Hervanta campus contact Information Specialist Esa Hakala

Teaching at city centre campus

Bachelor's Degree Students

  • Students attending their Bachelor's Thesis Seminar have to attend a compulsory information searching training. The teaching is part of the seminar, no separate sign-up necessary.

Master's Degree Students (arriving)

  • International students arriving at Tampere University to pursue their Master's Degree attend a 2-hour compulsory information searching teaching that is part of their general studies.

Master's Thesis Seminar Students

  • Students attending a Master's Thesis Seminar at city centre campus have to attend a 2-hour advanced information searching workshop. The teaching is part of the seminar, no separate sign-up necessary.

More information about Information searching classes at city centre campus: Information Specialist Saija Tapio


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