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Terms of Use: Standards


Most of the standards used in Tampere Universities can be found in SFS Online. The SFS Online service has been acquired via FinELib consortium. Tamperee Universities staff and students and TAYS staff have also access to ASTM Compass® database.

Standards, SFS manuals and other similar publications are protected by copyright law. Copyright infringements might lead to the improper use of the standard. Respect for copyright is also important for the maintenance of the standardisation system.


The standards acquired in SFS Online and ASTM Compass® may only be used in the internal works of Tampere University Foundation. The same applies to both printed and, for example, to PDF format publications obtained by units for their own use.

Standards may not be added to public websites. Any other use must always be inquired from SFS customer service before purchasing the standard.

Standards in theses

  • Use standards as a source but produce the images or tables yourself. Therefore do not copy the standards, just refer to them in your work.
  • The full ID, title and year of publication of the standard must be marked in the reference or citation.
  • If you make your thesis e.g. as a business assignment, the mandator or your training job employer may not be dispensed with standards or copies from the online services of the institution (Tampere University or TAMK).
  • Standards may not be attached to the thesis.

Learn more about Terms of Use and Copy Permits

Standards in studies

  • Students are allowed to read standards under the terms of use of SFS Online ans ASTM. Students of a consortium using Haka authentication have also the right to remotely access the material as well as print standards and store them electronically. However, PDFs and hard copies should always contain the same copyright and trademark entries as the original standard.
  • SFS standards may not be distributed or passed on to non-authorised users and may not continue to be licentised. The material may also not be used for commercial purposes.
  • SFS standards may not be copied and scanned for more than 10 % of the total page volume and not more than 20 pages. The standard must not be used to copy the core part of the standard alone, such as the essential image, table or similar.
  • International standards may not be copied.

Standards in teaching

  • UAS and university teaching staff are allowed to hand over excerpts of individual standards to authorised students, as well as publicly display portions of the material as part of a non-commercial presentation in teaching.
  • The teacher is allowed to copy one paragraph per semester from the same standard for each student. The whole standard must not be copied. It is allowed to copy less than half the translated page volume, maximum of 20 pages. The making of electronic educational materials is allowed.
  • Teaching staff may also use extracts from individual standards in electronic or printed form in materials packages for teaching and research activities.

Other standard services

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