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Terms of Use: Printed materials

Kopiosto's copying licence

Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences have acquired Kopiosto's copying licence for their teaching, research and administration operations. Kopiosto negotiates the copying remunerations with the Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene and Universities Finland UNIFI.

Kopiosto's copying license does not apply to materials to which the institution has access under other license or contract. The terms of use for these materials are determined in individual license agreements.

What does our copying licence enable? 

The copying licence for higher education institutions applies to free education, research and internal administration of higher education institutions and the open university and higher education provided by universities and higher education institutions, as well as continuing education and specialisation studies provided by higher education institutions.

The copying licence allows you to copy supplementary material for teaching, research and administrative purposes. The licence allows you to copy, print, scan and photograph articles, images, sheet music, lyrics and extracts from publications and websites within the limits of the licence. You can attach the copies as part of your own material, a test you have prepared or an entrance exam to the institution of higher education, and distribute them to students as supplementary and course material.

Students are also allowed to copy images and extracts for their own projects, assignments or theses.

See more detailed instructions in Kopiosto's site  Copying of publications and works - Institutions of higher education

Source: Kopiosto 


Can I scan a chapter from a book and save it in Moodle?

  • A maximum of 20% of a publication; however, no more than 20 pages per publication. For wider use, you need a permission from the copyright owner.

Can I scan a whole book?

  • Scanning an entire book is not allowed.

Can I scan an article for students participating in my course?

  • You may scan an entire article from a  journal. A maximum of 20 articles per print or online publication.

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