You can search for printed dictionaries on Andor. Printed dictionaries are available both in the reference collection and as home loans
MOT KielipalveluThis link opens in a new windowMOT Kielipalvelu sisältää yleiskielen ja erikoisalojen sanakirjoja, MOT Kääntäjän, MOT Kielentarkistimen, sanalistoja sekä Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisön sanaston.
MOT Kielipalvelu contains MOT Dictionaries, MOT Translator, MOT Proofing, word lists and Tampere University vocabulary.
Oxford ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowOxford University Pressin sanakirjoja ja hakuteoksia eri aloilta.Dictionaries and reference works on many subject areas.
Hoidokki is a thesaurus published by the Finnish Foundation of Nursing Education (SHKS) to be used to search and to index publications of nursing science.
An interactive 3D learning tool and anatomy database planned for university purposes. There are Human Anatomy Atlas applications available for IOS and Android mobile devices. The applications can be found in the application stores. Instructions: Guides - E-book guide.
Interactive 3D learning tool and anatomy database planned for university purposes. There is an application available for IOS and Android mobile devices. The applications can be found in the application stores. Instructions: Guides - E-book guide.
An interactive 3D learning tool and anatomy database planned for university purposes. There are Muscle Premium applications available for IOS and Android mobile devices. The applications can be found in the application stores. Instructions: Guides - E-book guide.