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Electrical Engineering: Books


You can find most of the library's e-books in Andor. If you want to you can seach in the e-book services own interface. There you can do more specific searches in the full text of ebooks. You can also browse the collections.

E-books can be read online or you can download them to your own device.

E-book databases

Printed books

You'll find printed books in the Andor search service.

Shelf classes related to electrical engineering in Hervanta

P 537 Electricity. Magnetism
P 621.3 Electrical engineering
P 621.31 Electrical power engineering
P 621.37/.38 Electronics
P 621.39 Communication engineering. Digital signal processing

Shelf classes related to electrical engineering in TAMK Main Campus

62.6 Electrical engineering
62.67 Electronics

Didn't find a book that you need?

Interlibrary loan - borrow books from other libraries

If we don't have a particular book, you can request it as an interlibrary loan from other Finnish libraries. Please note that there is a fee for this service.

Books in our collections


P. 0294 520 900

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