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Architecture: Images and other sources

Map and spatial data services

Before using material made available through these databases, please read their terms and conditions of use.

Map and spatial data services

Other resources

Visual resources

Before using material made available through these databases, please read their terms and conditions of use.  

Finnish resources: museums, libraries and archives

International visual resources: museums, libraries and archives

Other international visual resources



Read about statistics at Statistics Finland website:

Other statistics:

  • Eurostat: Statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
  • International statistics:The selection includes free data sources of the most important and reliable international organisations and communities.
  • .International trade statistics (Finnish Customs) International trade statistics provide information on the goods trade between Finland and the other EU member states and third countries
  • UNESCO Statistics Cross-nationally comparable statistics on education, science and technology, culture, and communication for more than 200 countries and territories.

Laws and regulations

  • EUR-Lex database covers the legal information on European Union: official journal, treaties, legislation, legislation in preparation, case-law, parliamentary questions, documents of public interest, preparation of enlargement.
  • FINLEX is a freely accessible database of Finnish legislation. The texts are mainly in Finnish and in Swedish.
  • Library of Parliament


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