There are different desktop versions of Zotero and an online version (there may be differences in the functionality of the versions).
In addition to the desktop version, there is an online version, which you can sign up for if you wish (Note! No university usernames/passwords are used to create an account, Zotero is not a university-managed application.)
Mac: click on Zotero on the top left hand corner --> Settings/Preferences
For example, you can specify the following items in the settings
1. If you do not want the pdfs to be saved automatically:
2. uncheck Automatically take snapshots when creating items from web pages/Automatically take snapshots when creating a listing from a web page
3. You can define keywords for references yourself by unchecking Automatically tag items with keywords and subject headings.
Why should you uncheck these boxes in the settings:
Linking to materials provided by the University of Tampere Library
Once you have placed the link > Open the reference details in Zotero to the right and clicking on the green arrow will bring up Library Lookup and you can check the availability of the publication in the collections of the Tampere University Library.